Tips on good snuff
1 Jul 2018
Although we mostly talk about different blogs and other things that come with the web to do here on our site, then we may also want to talk about other things. One of these is Mint Snuff, a snuff, which is perfect. I who used snuff for many years found this one day, and now [...]
Niche Blogging – Is it a perfect platform to Earn instant money
2 Jul 2012
This article tells the readers about; what exactly niche blogging is and who are all benefiting from it. How people that don’t have regular office jobs, not as a result of incompetence, but due to circumstances and by personal choice, generate a source of income through it. Aside from that what’s more, it briefly tells [...]
Targeting Social Media Marketing Strategies
4 Jan 2012
With the increased number and variety of social media outlets that businesses and other organizations have at their disposal these days, it can be a bit challenging to narrow the field and focus in very tightly on the best social media marketing strategies for achieving specific goals. The most successful marketing plans though are those with [...]
Theme Junkie Discount Code
29 Dec 2011
Theme Junkie is one of the leading WordPress theme provider in the Market today. All thanks to their themes being elegant, feature rich, SEO friendly, code efficient and low priced. They also provide excellent support on their themes. These qualities of Theme Junkie as a provider has helped them a lot in getting into the [...]
Great Ways to Monetize Your Mobile Apps
12 Nov 2011
There’s many ways to make money online with mobile apps, but they all come down to either making money by selling the app itself or by making money after the sale is made. My years of marketing experience and the close attention I’ve paid to the emerging mobile app market has taught me some [...]
Top Best Free and Premium WordPress Popup Plugins
5 Nov 2011
All Internet Marketers or Bloggers certainly know the importance of popups. A popup is a great tool for increasing subscription rate or generating leads and sales. Many Internet Marketers use popups to show announcements, logins, videos or optin forms. While these kind of popups can be added to our website or blogs using codes too [...]
Popup Domination Discount
15 Aug 2011
This is a post that will give you information about the Popup Domination as well as provide you a trick to get Popup Domination Discount Popup Domination is one of the most popular Newsletter plugin for WordPress websites. Popup Domination is used by more than 10,000 Affiliate Marketers and Bloggers to build lists 5 times [...]
Continuing Panda Updates – How to Keep Your Site From Being Unfairly or Fairly Penalized
20 Jun 2011
Since continuing onward with a wave of new updates to try to reduce the presence of thin content on the search engines, Google has hit a series of road bumps as part of their experimentation process throughout the development of new search engine standards. You’ve no doubt encountered one or two of these bumps yourself [...]
Premiumpress Discount Coupon For June 2011
8 Jun 2011
Premiumpress one of the leading WordPress Theme Provider is back with a new Discount Coupon for June 2011. You can use our Premiumpress Discount Coupon To avail 20$ discount on all of PremiumPress Themes. You can use the Premiumpress discount Coupon to get discount on single theme or the Club Membership. What is Premiumpress? For [...]
Free And Premium WordPress Link Cloaking Plugins
21 Mar 2011
A few posts back my fellow blogger Sneha had given a great introduction to the basics of Link Cloaking and how and why to cloak a link. Cloaking your affiliate links is really one of the most essential thing you should do if you are into affiliate marketing. Cloaking affiliate links is really important to [...]
An Insight into Link Cloaking
9 Mar 2011
The term Link Cloaking often resurfaces, both for good and bad reasons, forcing one to think about it with the intention of finding its true nature. Though it has invited a lot of discussion but no single statement has been issued which clarifies the confusion. The write-up is our attempt to provide some useful insights [...]
The Growth Of Facebook E-Commerce
8 Mar 2011
Tell me how many of you bloggers have a fan page? I am sure each one of you has a fan page for your blog. The past two years has seen enormous growth in the Facebook fan page and application scene simultaneously alongside the growth of Facebook. Facebook Fan pages and applications have become a [...]
The Myth About The NoFollow Uselessness
7 Feb 2011
When it comes to search engine optimization, nobody knows for sure what works and what doesn’t. However, there are things that have been proven to work 99% of the time and some that don’t work at all. The fact of the matter is that there are as many proven strategies as there are myths out [...]
Huge List of 400+ Dofollow CommentLuv Blogs
30 Dec 2010
If you are a blogger then you most certainly know what do follow is and most probably you also know what Commentluv is. For those who do not know what commentluv is, let me briefly introduce it to you. Commentluv is a plugin for WordPress and Blogger.com blogs which when added in your blog will [...]